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Why kindness is important

Updated: Feb 22, 2023


Today is 'Random Acts Of Kindness Day' so this post has inspired by this. The idea behind this day is to cultivate feelings of kindness and brighten up someone’s day. Every small act of kindness is significant. It may seem like it doesn’t accomplish much but, just like the domino effect, one act of kindness can lead to more positive outcomes.

Kindness is a virtue that we often hear about, but what does it mean to be kind? Kindness is a state of being and doing, not just a trait. In fact, the word “kind” has multiple definitions: “having or showing a friendly attitude; considerate and helpful; pleasant in action or manner.” So if you want to be kinder (and happier) read on.

Kindness is contagious

Kindness is contagious. When you're kind to others, they tend to be kind in return. It's a simple concept but one that can have a profound effect on your life. People like being around those who are kind--and if everyone else in your life is nice, then it's much easier for you to be nice too!

In addition to having this positive ripple effect on those around us (and ourselves), there are other reasons why we should strive towards kindness:

  • Being kind makes us feel better about ourselves. Kindness gives us purpose and meaning in our lives; it shows us that we matter as individuals who can make an impact on others' lives just by being there for them when they need help. Kindness helps build meaningful relationships with those around us; people want friends who care about them enough not only do something nice but also say "thank you" afterwards. Kindness allows us all access into each other's hearts -- no matter how different our backgrounds may be -- because we share this common understanding of basic human decency

Kindness helps you live longer and fight disease

Kindness is a powerful tool. It can help you live longer, fight disease and feel happier. Here's how kindness can help you fight disease:

  • Kindness helps your immune system work better. When people are kind to each other, their bodies produce more antibodies that protect them from illness and infection. This is called "natural killer cell activity" (NKC). NKC has been linked to lower rates of cancer and heart disease as well as better recovery from surgery or injury.

Kindness is good for your heart. Researchers have found that people with strong social networks, both online and offline, are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease. In one study, published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine, those who felt lonely or isolated were more than twice as likely to have problems with their hearts than those who felt they had a lot of support from friends.

One of the most well-known studies of kindness was conducted by Dr. J. Robert Cade, who invented Gatorade in 1965. He found that when he gave his sickest patients orange juice to drink instead of water, they recovered faster than those who didn't receive any fluids at all. Think about that for a 30 seconds...

Kindness builds relationships

Kindness is a way to show you care. It's a sign that someone has recognised you, noticed your needs, and wants to help meet them. Kindness makes people feel valued, appreciated and respected.

Kindness helps people feel safe in their environment because it shows that there are others around who will be kind if something bad happens or if they need help with something. This builds trust between people who do not know each other well yet but want to develop a relationship based on mutual interest or respect for each other's character traits such as honesty or kindness itself!

Be compassionate with yourself

  • Be kind to yourself.

  • Be compassionate with yourself.

  • Understand that it's okay to make mistakes and be imperfect, because everyone is! It's fine if you don't always get things right or do what you want, but try your best and forgive yourself when it happens (or even if it doesn't).

  • Forgive yourself for any mistakes or failures in life--you're only human!

Also, be kind and loving to those you care about, because it will come back to you tenfold!

Kindness is often seen as a soft skill, something to do when you're bored

Kindness is actually a hard skill that can help you succeed in your career and life.

To start with, kindness can make people feel better about themselves and their work. If someone feels appreciated by their manager or colleagues, they'll be more likely to keep working hard at their job--and more productive too! On top of that, being kind makes people want to work with you again in the future; if someone has had a great experience working with you once (even if it was only briefly), she'll be more likely to seek out opportunities where she gets to work with someone like yourself again.

Finally, being kind makes others feel good about themselves too! When someone does something nice for us without expecting anything in return--like giving us advice or helping us out when we need it most--it gives us confidence because we know our kindness isn't going unnoticed by others around us who recognize how valuable these qualities are when applied correctly.

Kindness is important because it makes us feel good.

Kindness is something that we do for others without expecting anything in return, and it's one of the best ways to show love and caring for others. When you are kind, you're showing that you care about someone else's feelings and well-being. You can also use kindness as a way of expressing gratitude or appreciation for someone who has helped you out in the past or continues to be an important part of your life today.

Kindness doesn't necessarily have to be an elaborate gesture either--it could just mean taking time out of your day to listen closely when someone needs an ear; helping them do something small like picking up the food shopping on their way home from work; or giving them some advice/feedback about how they might handle certain situations better than before.

It's easy to be kind anonymously or from a distance.

You don't have to be in the same room as the person you're being kind to. You can do it anonymously, or from a distance.

You can be kind to strangers, friends and family members--and they don't even need to know that you're being kind!

Kindness and compassion make your life better

Kindness is a skill that can take you far in life. It's not just important to be kind to others; it's also important to be kind to yourself. By making the effort and taking the time to do so, you'll find that kindness has positive effects on your mental health and well-being, as well as those around you.

Kindness is contagious--when someone does something nice for another person, they often want to reciprocate by doing something nice for them in return. Kindness is seen as a soft skill; something people don't necessarily think about when considering their career path or long-term goals because it doesn't seem relevant enough compared with other skills like analytical thinking or leadership qualities (which are both extremely important). However, I believe that being kind should be considered equally alongside these other skills because of all its benefits!


Kindness is a powerful tool that we can use to make the world a better place. It feels good to be kind and compassionate, and it's also good for your health. If you want to feel happier, healthier and more fulfilled in life then start by looking at how you treat others. You don't have to change who you are or spend hours doing volunteer work every day; just try doing one nice thing for someone else each day! On Random Acts Of Kindness Day why not show yourself and others some extra kindness with compliments and compassion on this day.


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